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Urban Young Women’s Experiences of Discrimination and Community Violence and Intimate Partner Violence




This paper examines the interrelationships between urban young adult women’s experiences of discrimination and community violence and their reports of involvement in intimate partner violence (IPV). We explore whether such experiences are independent risk factors for IPV victimization and perpetration, even when accounting for aggressive behaviors and related risk taking, including drinking and sexual initiation, during early adolescence. We use data from the Reach for Health study, in which a sample of 550 urban African American and Latina women was followed from recruitment in economically distressed middle schools into young adulthood, over approximately 7 years. At the last wave, respondents were 19–20 years old; 28% were raising children. More than 40% reported experiencing at least one form of racial/ethnic discrimination sometimes or often over the past year. About 75% heard guns being shot, saw someone being arrested, or witnessed drug deals within this time period; 66% had seen someone beaten up, 26% had seen someone get killed, and 40% knew someone who was killed. Concurrent reports of lifetime IPV were also high: about a third reported being a victim of physical violence; a similar proportion reported perpetration. Results of multivariate regression analyses indicate that discrimination is significantly associated with physical and emotional IPV victimization and perpetration, controlling for socio-demographic characteristics, including ethnic identity formation, and early adolescent risk behaviors. Community violence is correlated with victimization, but the relationship remains significant only for emotional IPV victimization once early behaviors are controlled. Implications for violence prevention are discussed, including the importance of addressing community health, as well as individual patterns of behavior, associated with multiple forms of violence victimization and perpetration.
机译:本文研究了城市年轻成年女性遭受歧视和社区暴力的经历与他们参与亲密伴侣暴力(IPV)的报道之间的相互关系。我们探讨了这种经历是否是IPV受害和侵害的独立风险因素,即使在考虑到青春期早期的攻击行为和相关的冒险行为(包括饮酒和性行为)也是如此。我们使用“健康可达”研究的数据,在大约7年的时间里,从经济困难的中学招募到年轻成年后,对550名城市非洲裔美国妇女和拉丁裔妇女进行了追踪。在最后一波中,受访者年龄为19-20岁; 28%正在抚养孩子。超过40%的人表示在过去一年中有时或经常遭受至少一种种族/族裔歧视。在这段时间内,大约75%的人听到枪声,看到某人被捕或目睹毒品交易; 66%看到有人殴打,26%看到有人被杀,40%知道有人被杀。关于一生中IPV的并发报告也很高:大约三分之一的报告是人身暴力的受害者;报告的犯罪比例相似。多元回归分析的结果表明,歧视与肢体和情感IPV的受害和犯罪行为显着相关,控制着社会人口统计学特征,包括种族认同的形成以及青少年早期危险行为。社区暴力与受害相关,但是一旦控制了早期行为,这种关系仅对情感性IPV受害仍然很重要。讨论了预防暴力的含义,包括解决社区健康的重要性以及与多种形式的暴力受害者和作法有关的个人行为方式。



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